Transform Your Workforce into Industry Leaders

with Exela’s Learning and Development Solutions

Our corporate training services are designed to ensure the success of your business in a highly competitive environment.

Learning and Development (L&D) focuses on cultivating the knowledge and skills of employees. It is geared toward empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in today's competitive landscape. With its customized learning programs, it enhances productivity, bridges skill gaps, and cultivates a forward-thinking workforce. It covers various areas that cater to your organization's specific needs such as leadership development, team communication, digital marketing, and more.

By embracing L&D, your organization can create custom solutions that empower your people to evolve and excel, ensuring they are well-prepared for the future.

Exela L&D: Nurturing Skills for Professional Excellence

Leadership Development

Leadership Development:

Developing an individual’s skills and confidence to take on leadership roles and responsibilities. 

People Management Skills

People Management Skills:

Strengthening the skills and decision-making power of learners, making them better managers.

Technical Skills Development

Technical Skills Development:

Continuous upskilling of tech professionals to enhance their tech know-how and help them contribute better in driving positive business outcomes.

Behavioral Training

Behavioral Training:

Honing the attitude and interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills of learners, helping them become better performers.

Training Need Analysis

Training Need Analysis:

Identifying and fulfilling the training needs of organizations and professionals to scale-up their personal and professional growth.

Communication and Soft Skills

Communication and Soft Skills:

Helping employees, teams, students, and other professionals boost their soft skills and interpersonal attributes.

Training Methodologies

Instructor-led TrainingeLearningSimulation Employee TrainingHands-on TrainingCoaching or MentoringLecturesGroup Discussion and ActivitiesRole-playingManagement-Specific ActivitiesCase Studies or Required ReadingL & DTraining MethodologiesYour Journey with Us

L&D Infographic

Instructor-led TrainingeLearningSimulation Employee TrainingHands-on TrainingCoaching or MentoringLecturesGroup Discussion and ActivitiesRole-playingManagement-Specific ActivitiesCase Studies or Required Reading

Why Choose Exela's Lynx L&D Solutions?

Our Lynx L&D Solutions is the top choice for organizations seeking effective learning and development strategies. Lynx, our robust Learning Management System (LMS), is modern, intuitive, and tailored to empower professionals, students, and teams. It streamlines course creation, assignment, and management, making learning simple and efficient.

  • Learning paths
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Material repositories
  • Auto-reminders
  • Surveys
  • Gamification

Lynx ensures high-impact learning and facilitates a holistic training ecosystem.


How does Learning and Development Outsourcing work?

Optimal learning strategies address the skills employees need for success in their roles now and also anticipate future skills for organizational success. Learning and development outsourcing involves partnering with external providers, like Exela HR Solutions, to manage your organization's training and development needs. We offer a range of services, including instructional design, content creation, delivery, and technology solutions. Our experts work closely with your organization to comprehend specific training needs and craft customized solutions to enhance employee skills.. We ensure a seamless, efficient learning process, saving your organization valuable time and resources.

Can Exela HR Solutions align L&D with our industry's unique needs?

Yes, we customize learning and development solutions to meet your industry's specific demands, ensuring that your employees receive training that's relevant to their roles.

When should you consider outsourcing learning and development?

You should consider outsourcing learning and development when your organization faces challenges in managing its training programs in-house. This might include a lack of expertise, limited resources, or the need to scale training efforts rapidly. Outsourcing can also be beneficial when you want to focus on your core business activities while leaving the training function to experts. EHRS can design a tailored learning and development solution that suits your organization's specific needs.

What are the pros and cons of learning and development outsourcing?

Learning and development outsourcing can help businesses quickly transform and build a more satisfying employee experience. Here are some typical benefits for organizations:

  • Access to specialized expertise and resources.
  • Cost savings due to reduced infrastructure and overhead.
  • Scalability to meet changing training demands.
  • Focus on core business functions.
  • Improved training quality and effectiveness.

The key to achieving these benefits is working with an experienced provider with a stellar reputation in the market. Of course, outsourcing learning and development to a provider assumes some level of risk. However, those risks are limited if the provider is experienced in building learning strategies.

Here are some important considerations for choosing a provider for learning and development expertise:

  • Maintain control over development strategy decisions.
  • Ensure the learning plan aligns with company culture.
  • Carefully budget for flexible outsourcing costs.
  • Set performance metrics and a dedicated project contact.
What is the difference between in-house and outsourced learning and development?

In-house learning and development involves managing training programs within your organization. It gives you direct control but may require substantial resources and expertise. Outsourced learning and development, as offered by EHRS, involves partnering with external experts to manage training activities. It provides access to specialized resources, cost savings, and scalability while reducing the burden on your organization's staff and infrastructure. The choice between in-house and outsourced learning and development depends on your organization's specific needs, resources, and objectives.

What learning and development solutions does Exela HR Solutions offer?

Exela HR Solutions provides industry-specific learning and development solutions, such as our Lynx platform, designed to optimize workforce training, improve skills, and enhance employee performance.

What role does technology play in Exela's L&D solutions?

Our Lynx platform leverages technology for efficient, engaging, and trackable training. With features like gamification, tests and quizzes, and more, it enhances employee development and aligns it with your business objectives.

How quickly can Exela HR Solutions implement L&D programs in our organization?

Implementation times vary depending on the program's complexity and your organization’s specific needs. We work closely with you to ensure a swift and effective rollout.